Technology Solutions

Making Organizations Future-proof & Resilient

Resilience Technology Solutions

For All your IT Transformation Needs

At Resilience Solutions, we are known for our proficiency with complex data and critical applications and technologies. We help you navigate through impending IT costs by implementing digital transformation throughout your enterprise. We deliver applications faster without you having to worry greatly about infrastructure.

What drives Resilience?

Our goal is to drive impactful solutions for our clients by navigating their digital transformation journey. We assist you in streamlining your businesses processes and solve your unique business requirements with customized solutions built specially for you.
  • Multi Shore Delivery Capability
  • Technology Expertise across key domains
  • 10+ Years of Experienced People

Technology Solutions to make better business

Cloud Migrations

We have a team of experts who can deliver the migrations from on prem to cloud. Any applications, database of any size, our team can help you.

Legacy Modernization

With services such as Custom App develoment, Standalone and webbased applications, we do it with focussed approach

Data as a Service

Data as a service portfolio cover areas such as Big Data, Analytics,  Big Data, reporting and our customers are really keen to innovate with resilience to makes best use of your data

The only place where you’ll get the perfect solutions for all your industry needs.

Our Service Areas

Application Development

  • Web & Custom Application Development
  • Legacy Applications & Migrations
  • Upgrades & Migrations
  • Support & Maintainance


  • Mobile App Consulting
  • Mobile App Design & Development
  • Custom Mobile App Development
  • Mobile App Testing
  • Mobile App Analytics

Quality Assurance

  • Functional Testing
  • Test Automation
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Performance Engineering
  • Security Testing

Big Data & Analytics

  • Data Strategy Consulting
  • Data Mining and Storage
  • Data Preparation
  • BI & Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization & Monetization


  • ICO Development
  • Wallet Development
  • Exchange Software
  • Decentralized Exchange Software
  • Custom Blockchain Services

Cloud Migrations

  • Infrastructure Migration
  • Data Migration
  • Platform Migration
  • App Migration
  • Cloud Support


  • Infrastructure Management
  • Configuration Management
  • Environment Management
  • Code Integration & Inspection
  • Automation & Virtualization

API Integrations – Mulesoft

  • SOA and Legacy Modernization
  • SAAS Application Integration
  • Solution for B2B/EDI
  • API Gateway and Micro-services

Speak to Our Industry Experts.